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What causes erectile dysfunction in males?

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, is the inability to attain or maintain an erection of the penis adequate for the sexual satisfaction of both spouses. It can be catastrophic to this selfesteem of a guy and of his own partner. As many as 30 million American men are suffering on an ongoing basis, and transient episodes affect nearly all adult males. But nearly those who seek treatment find some degree of relief.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

As recently as two decades ago, doctors tended to attribute erectile dysfunction on emotional problems or, with elderly men, on the normal aging process. Today, the pendulum of medical opinion has drifted away from both notions. While arousal takes longer as a person ages, chronic erectile dysfunction warrants medical attention. Moreover, the difficulty is often not psychological in origin. Today, urologists believe that physical factors underlie the majority of cases of persistent erectile dysfunction in men over age 50.

Erectile dysfunction in older men.

Because erections primarily demand the blood vessels, so it's not surprising that the most common causes in older men are conditions that block blood flow to the penis, such as diabetes or diabetes. Another vascular cause may be a faulty strand, which lets blood drain too quickly from the manhood. Other physical disorders, as well as hormonal imbalances and also certain operations, may also result in erectile dysfunction.

The circulatory procedures that produce an erection are controlled by the nervous system and certain prescription medications may have the side effect of interfering with necessary neural signs. Among the possible culprits are a variety of stimulants, sedatives, diuretics, antihistamines, and drugs to treat high blood pressure, cancer, or depression. But never discontinue a medication unless your doctor tells you to.

Erection dysfunction in younger men. With younger men, psychological problems are the likeliest reason for erectile dysfunction. Tension and anxiety may arise from poor communication with the sexual partner or a difference in sexual preferences. The sexual difficulties may also be linked to such factors:

·        Depression
·        Fatigue
·        Stress
·        Feelings of inadequacy
·        Personal sexual fears
·        Rejection by parents or peers
·        Sexual abuse in childhood

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